In order to continuallyimprove our website, we collect your information onlywith your consent; we onlycollect the minimum amountof personal information that is necessary to fulfill the purpose of your interaction with us; we don't sell it to third parties; and we only use it as this Privacy Statement describes. By continuing to use the website you are accepting the use of these cookies. Please read our privacy policy. Managed by Grace Hospitality Management Co., Ltd, an affiliate of the Fong-Yi Group
老乾杯は最高級の日本和牛を提供します。「IWC」の SAKE ゴールドメダルを2年連続で受賞した吟醸酒・満寿泉を独占販売し、多くのソムリエが厳選したワインを提供して、極上のグルメを堪能していただきます。
※Not applicable to Members Dine More Program
In order to continuallyimprove our website, we collect your information onlywith your consent; we onlycollect the minimum amountof personal information that is necessary to fulfill the purpose of your interaction with us; we don't sell it to third parties; and we only use it as this Privacy Statement describes. By continuing to use the website you are accepting the use of these cookies. Please read our privacy policy. Managed by Grace Hospitality Management Co., Ltd, an affiliate of the Fong-Yi Group